Enrollment to Veterinary Studies in English

Study program of Veterinary medicine in English at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine lasts 5.5 years (11 semesters). It is an integrated undergraduate and graduate course in veterinary medicine.

Upon completion, students are awarded with academic title –  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

More information’s can be found here.

This section, guides you through the process and explains every step what is necessary to enroll at the study program.

If you have any questions regarding the steps for enrollment, feel free to contact the Vice dean for education, prof. d-r Ksenija Ilievska (e-mail: kilievska@fvm.ukim.edu.mk) or directly International students guide – University Ss Ciryl and Methodius in Skopje on phone: +389 70 245 438.

The application process at FVM-S and other University units begins at the end of August and continues until the end of September. This timeline is set to ensure that all foreign students have enough time to gather and submit the necessary documents, such as nostrification and other required paperwork.

The first step to apply to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius (FVM-S) is the mandatory completion of the Form of Interest. (Download)

NOTE: Please be aware that total number of students that can be admitted at FVMS is 15.

Diploma (certificate) nostrification is the process by which the Republic of North Macedonia’s Ministry of Education and Science recognizes a foreign diploma.

Before being admitted, all applicants must submit a decision on the recognition of their international qualifications. This step is required to promote entrance to future higher education, and it is suggested to begin the validation process

If candidates are submiting the documents for nostrification by themselves, they must be aware that the process takes at least two months and should be completed ahead of time (June-July), prior  the deadline for submitting documents. 

Here you may find additional information about the diploma nostrification process. (Documents for nostrification).

Request for nostrification – is mandatory when submitting the documents in the Minsitry od Education and Science

The admission of students is conducted through an “Open Competition,” which is published annually by  Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

There are three enrollment deadlines announced in the Open Competition. These deadlines are posted on the official webpages of FVM-S and UKIM at the beginning of July 2024.

 First deadlineSecond deadlineThird deadline
Application of candidates29.08./30.08.202417.09./18.09.202427.09.2024
Preliminary list of applied candidates3.09. 202420.09.2024 
Final ranking list of the candidates6.09. 202425.09.2024 
Enrollment of candidates11.09./12.09.202426.09.202430.09.2024

Before applying in the email address provided by the University (st.student@ukim.edu.mk), all candidates need to download, scan and attach the application form A1 together with all required  documents, for candidates to enroll in first cycle studies:
• Original diploma for completed secondary education (certified with an apostille stamp, that is, a stamp from the relevant Ministry of Foreign Affairs for countries
that are not members of the Hague Convention);
• Original certificates for each completed year in secondary education;
• Original birth certificate;
• Original citizenship certificate.

When applying, the candidates submit:
• Originals of the documents mentioned above;
• Annual health insurance from your own state
• three photos (two photos with dimensions 3.5×4.5 and
one with dimensions 2×3);
• details are given in the International students guide – University Ss Ciryl and Methodius in Skopje 

* A law office/notary office can mediate for:
– for nostrification of documents in the Ministry of Education and Science of the RNM;
– registration process;
– payments for IKSA and tuition fees for the semester;
– housing and accomodation for students.

Procedure for nostrification of documents in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia: 

– Original diploma for completed secondary education (certified with an apostille
stamp, i.e. a stamp from the relevant Ministry of Foreign Affairs for countries that
are not members of the Hague Convention)
– Two photocopies of the original diploma (one copy notarized);
– Two copies of the diploma translated by an authorized court translator in the
Republic of North Macedonia (one copy notarized);
– Original certificates for each completed year in secondary education;
– Two photocopies of each original certificate (one of which needs to be notarized);
– Two copies of each certificate translated by an authorized court translator in the
Republic of North Macedonia (one copy needs to be notarized).

1. A Request to Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia
2. Original birth certificate and two photocopies;
3. Original citizenship certificate and two photocopies;
4. Original birth certificate and two photocopies (for persons who were not born in the
Republic of North Macedonia
– Two copies of the birth certificate translated by an authorized court translator in
the Republic of North Macedonia (one copy notarized);
5. Original citizenship certificate and two photocopies (for persons who were not born
in the Republic of North Macedonia
– Two copies of the citizenship certificate translated by an authorized court translator
in the Republic of North Macedonia (one copy needs to be notarized).

The same process is described in step 2, if the candidates are going through the nostrification process by themselves. 

Once the list of admitted candidates is announced, students must submit the following documents for enrollment.  

The registration process is carried out at the Faculty of veterinary medicine-Skopje, in the end of September.

When registering, the candidates submit:
– Nostirification of the previously finished education – document issued by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia
– index, student identification and application forms that students receive at the Faculties
– receipt of tuition payment for the semester (2000 euros per semester)
– receipt for the payment of 750 MKD for informative, informational, cultural and sports activities (IKSA) of the students of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

The payment of your tuition fee is an essential part of your registration.

IMPORTANT NOTE: !!! Remember to quote your name when making a payment.

Adequate and valid travel medical insurance that covers the expenses which may arise during the applicant’s stay in RNM or in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention and/or emergency hospital treatment. The applicant must provide proof of travel medical insurance for the entire duration of his stay in RNM.

After enrolment, the faculty issued the student with confirmation that he was enrolled in the appropriate study program.
With this confirmation, and by contract for rented apartment/secured accommodation, the student applies to the Interior Ministry – (the building at MTV, first floor – stayof foreigners).

For foreign students, before application for the study program please find additional information about visa requirements for entering in the Republic of North Macedonia and visa application procedure in the following link (https://www.mfa.gov.mk/en/page/12/foreign-citizens).

A foreign student who intends to stay in the Republic of North Macedonia for more than three months must have a temporary residence permit as a student. Аccording to the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of North Macedonia, temporary residence is granted to a foreigner who intends to stay in the Republic of North Macedonia for the purpose of schooling, studying or learning the language in which the teaching is conducted, and the request for approval of temporary residence is submitted to the Ministry of Interior Affairs upon his/her entry into the Republic of North Macedonia. 

Regulating temporary stay

The procedure for the request for approval of a temporary stay in the Republic of North Macedonia, as an accompanying document to the request for the issuance of a visa for the regulation of long-term stay (visa D):
– A temporary residence permit will be issued on the basis of a request from a foreigner who intends to stay in the Republic of Macedonia.
– The request for a temporary residence permit is submitted by the foreigner to the diplomatic and consular office of the Republic of Macedonia abroad.
– The applicant for a temporary residence permit is obliged to contact the competent authority in person for a conversation.
– The request must specify the purpose and circumstances of the intended stay in the Republic of Macedonia which must not change during the procedure.
– By requesting a temporary residence permit, the
foreigner is obliged to submit a valid and recognised travel document or a certified transcript of which is at least three months longer – from the time provided for stay in the Republic of Macedonia and evidence that
the conditions for issuing a temporary residence permit have been met.

You can find an additional information on the official website of www.mvr.gov.mk in the part of legislation –The Law on Foreigners.


Republic of North Macedonia is located in the southeastern part of Europe and is a landlocked country with different geographical landscape – high mountains, rivers and valleys. Today, the infrastructure is well developed and Macedonia is the main junction at the southern part of Europe (https://travelmacedonia.info).

Learn about transportation options to get you in Skopje and to the Faculty.


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