CA18105 – Risk-based meat inspection and integrated meat safety assurance – RIBMINS

Почеток-Крај: 2019-2023

Број на COST Акција: CA18105

Име на COST Акцијата: Risk-based meat inspection and integrated meat safety assurance – RIBMINS

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Краток опис: The European Food Safety Authority has recently proposed a generic framework for a modern, flexible and dynamic risk-based meat safety assurance system. Implementation of such a system is expected to be a slow and careful process that would involve its thorough development, fine-tuning and testing its practical feasibility and general impacts. There are many research groups in Europe that currently perform studies, mostly at national level, to fill the knowledge gaps related to such a new system. The main aim of the RIBMINS network is to combine and strengthen European-wide research efforts on modern meat safety control systems. The network will allow exchange of ideas, experience and results of country-level research studies. Furthermore, the aim is to create a platform for training of relevant participants in the new meat safety system and thus help its operability, as well as to inform relevant stakeholders about the requirements, benefits and consequences of the new system. The RIBMINS network will consist of five Working Groups: 1. on scope and targets of meat safety assurance, 2. on farm-level controls and risk categorization of farms, 3. on abattoir-level controls and risk categorization of abattoirs, 4. on meat safety assurance system impact with changes, addition and alternatives to meat inspection, and 5. on meat safety assurance system training, communication and monitoring. Overall, the network shall help the full development and implementation of the general principles of meat safety assurance system across Europe for the benefit of consumers, industry and protection of animal health and welfare.

Преставници на ФВМС и нивна Улога во COST акцијата:

доц. д-р Мирко Проданов, Заменик член на Менаџмент комитетот; Член на работна група

доц. д-р Сандра Мојсова, Член на Менаџмент Комитетот;

д-р Љупчо Ангеловски, Член на Менаџмент Комитетот;