Enhancing the Capacity to Integrate Sterile Insect Technique in the Effective Management of Invasive Aedes Mosquitoes

Главен истражувач: науч. сор. д-р Александар Цветковиќ

Учесници:науч. сор. д-р Александар Цветковиќ

Улога на лицата од ФВМС вклучени (учесници) во проектот: науч. сор. д-р Александар Цветковиќ, Project Counterpart

Партнери во пректот: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan

Времетраење: 05.02.2021-04.02. 2024

Финансиран од: IAEA, RER5026

Тип на проектот: Меѓунароен проект

Резиме на проектот: With increasing trade and travel, several Aedes species have been introduced into Europe and are now spreading rapidly becoming a widespread significant publc health risk which needs to be effectively addressed, as testified by recent cases of autochthonous chikungunya and dengue transmission (http://www.aedescost.eu). These species are a considerable threat to both human and animal health because of their role as vectors of diseases. In Europe, outbreaks of Chikungunya (CHIK) virus took place in Italy in 2007 and 2017; endemic CHIK virus infection have been detected in Southern France in 2010 and 2017 and autochthonous Dengue cases were registered in Croatia in 2010 and in France in 2014 (Report of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2019). Thus, It is considered important, strategically and timely, to continue building on the experience under RER5022 “Establishing Genetic Control Programmes for Aedes Invasive Mosquitoes” (2016-2019) and focusing on the coordinated widening of Area-Wide-Sterile Insect Technique (AW-SIT) control of mosquitoes from pilot to larger scale efforts, training in and demonstration of the new, fast developing AW-SIT supporting techniques. We expect that combining of the AW-SIT with the other environmentally-friendly mosquito control methods, will be the “win-win” approach. Also, it is a high time to share the knowledge, harmonize the protocols, and disseminate Standard Operation Procedures for AW-SIT related activities (mosquito mass-rearing, irradiation etc.). The overall surveillance and control require conventional and innovative methods considering the cost-effectiveness. It also requires a constructive relationship between public health professionals, policy makers at national and international level, and academia, including the private sector resulting in a better informed and cooperative society. Thus the project will support the countries to address these aspects to effectively implement AW-SIT.