Факултет за ветеринарна медицина – Скопје

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Skopje has teaching, research and applicative activity in field of veterinary medicine and veterinary public health.

Mission of FVM-S is realized via organizing study, transfer of knowledge, development and promotion of the education and science in veterinary health in RM, development of creative abilities, preparing students for profession of doctor of veterinary medicine which needs professional knowledge and ability for scientific approach in the work, promoting of the technological development of the veterinary profession and building positions for the future.

Besides the care for the animal health, veterinary medicine has important role in the public health via obtaining healthy and quality food from animal and plant origin. Veterinarians, with their undisputable role in the production and trade of food are promoting confidence of the consumers and successfulness of the livestock production. The big importance of the veterinary profession which is based on the quality education is proved with investigations made within project VET 2020 (Socrates Thematic Network Project).

In its applicative activity, FVM-S is also focused on the implementation and maintaining of the ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17025 standards with purpose the service for fulfilling requirements of the clients to be on significantly higher professional level.
The realizing of teaching mission of the Faculty is done by organizing of integrated studies of first and second cycles, as well as studies of third cycles (doctoral studies) with getting scientific degree doctor of veterinary medicine and doctor of science in the field of veterinary medicine.

Methods of work which are for realizing the Faculty’s policy are:

  • Team work of many professional-scientific staff with special profile, depends on nature of the problem which is subject of analysis, treatement and solving.
  • Application of ambulance and hospital approach of treating, with perception of the causes and consequences for manifestation of disorders, with building and sugesting measures for their removement, mitigating and preventing of side complications.
  • Application of scientific-statistical methods in the scientific and applicative approach, which spreeds knowledge concerning rules which follow technology of animal production, which has esspecial importance if taking in account strong requirements of the European and world market in trade of lifestock and products of animal origin.

Within its main activity, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine applies these principles of work:

  • Scientific principle, which in realization of teaching and research activity e based on application of contemporary scientific knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine and other related scientific disciplines transformed in the practice.
  • Principle of reality, which is consisted of evaluation of achieved results, in terms of meeting of results predicated and expected in predicated circumstances and conditions.
  • Principle of permanent amplification of the efficiency and quality of the education as a reflection of the creative and working engagement of the teaching staff, and of the engagement of the students themselves.

With scientific improvement of the staff who is dealing with research, education, development and application in field of veterinary medicine, FVM-S makes permanent development of the veterinary medicine, production, reproduction, hygiene and technology of the products from animal origin, as well as and nutrition of domestic animals.