Public competition for enrollment of students in the first + second cycle integrated studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje in the academic year 2021/2022

Foreign Students



31.08.21 – 01.09.2021

Required documents for application

● Application form;
● Decision on recognition of certificates of secondary education obtained abroad, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia; contact: +389 2 3140 102; (;
● original diploma for finished secondary education;
● Anotarized official translation of birth certificate;
● copy of passport;
● certificate of passed test in Macedonian language as a foreign language (TEMAK), issued by the Center for testing and Certifying Macedonian as a Foreign/Second Language (CETIS MAK) medical certificate, issued by the Public health institution – Health post of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje;


Required documents for enrollment

● 3 photos: 2 – (3,5х4,5) и 1 – (2х3);
● payment for the first term scholarship;