Veterinary medicine – integrated studies of first and second cycle (graduated studies)
The objective of the graduate studies of veterinary medicine is making high-education qualification Doctor of veterinary medicine, which besides the care for the animal health, veterinary medicine has important role in the public health via obtaining healthy and quality food from animal and plant origin. Veterinary doctors, with their undisputable role in the production and trade of food are promoting confidence of the consumers and successfulness of the livestock production.
With completing the academic studies on FVMS, student is getting competencies for: healing the animals; solving issues from veterinary public health; participation in environment protection; performing therrain, clinical and laboratory diagnostics; preventing supressing of infectious diseases and zoonoses; projecting and participation of designing programes for development and improovment of lifestock production and production of animal products; and development of all types of animals and environment protection, maintance of ethics and human treating of the animals.
Integrated studies of first and second cycle on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are organized in 5.5 years or 11 semesters (330 credit points).

Course programs (courses) are organized as compulsory and elective:
– compulsory courses are obligate enrolled by the student every semester, if conditionality criteria are solved;
– elective courses are enrolled by the student according his/her own choice and own plane for improving his/her education, knowledge and skills.
This study programme is in integrated mode because of fulfillment of EU Directive 2005/36 EC propositions about regulated professions, where the veterinary medicine is included. Also, in the design of the programme the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) propositions are fulfilled.
During the first ten semesters the student has to enroll and complete compulsory basic, pre-clinic and clinic teaching courses (s.c. core), as well as some of the offered elective courses.
The eleventh semester is for getting practical experience and skill from the veterinary practice via compulsory rotation on clinics for pet animals, for farm animals and food industry practice.
Also, within tendencies for specialized accessory education (student directing, s.c. tracking), in this semester every student, depends of his/her own choice and number of free places, has opportunity to choose particular courses from the four groups of elective courses related with current direction (1. pet animals; 2. farm animals; 3. hygiene of the animal products and veterinary public health and 4. biology and pathology of fish, bees, wildlife, animal hygiene, ecology and ethology). Students would be directed thus on the start of the eleventh semester, from the four possible directions (mentioned above), they would choose a primary and an alternative direction. If the number of applications on some direction is bigger than number of free places, in enrollment of the primary direction, better students would be preferred. The score of the student would be determined with acquired ECTS credit points and average grade till enrollment of the eleventh semester.
During the eleventh semester student has obligation to realize 210 working hours individual practice in some veterinary institution (s.c. extramural practice) for becoming familiar with spectrum of his/her future profession.
As a confirmation of successfully completing the basis of scientific work, student in the eleventh semester has to apply, prepare and award a diploma work. Student would be able to award finished diploma work after acquiring of total of 320 credit points, and successful awarding takes 10 points.
Student who would complete integrated academic studies of first and second cycle with duration of 5.5 years (11 semesters) and acquire 330 credit points gets diploma and diploma supplement for graduation on Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and gets high-education qualification (professional title) Doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM). This high-education qualification is equivalent with master degree and allows to the diplomant direct entry on the third cycle of the university doctoral studies.
For more details about this study programme click here.
- More details about this study program can be seen here.
- The decision on accreditation of the study program Veterinary Medicine first and second cycle integrated studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University “SV. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje can be seen here.
- The decision to start with the study program of first and second cycle integrated studies in Veterinary Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje can be seen here.