Study Rules

ВОДИЧ ЗА СТУДЕНТИ на интегриран прв и втор циклус студии

Правила за студирање на интегриран прв и втор циклус (додипломски студии) и втор циклус (постдипломски студии) на ФВМС;  Права и обврски на студентите, критериуми и услови за запишување и студирање

According the Regulation of unique study rules for studying of first and second cycle on the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine applies these study rules and credit-system:

  • Every course of the study curriculum is marked with code, which defines program contents, teaching and learning methods, as well as mode of evaluation of knowledge and grading.
  • Every course program is defined with exactly regulated number of credit points, which reflect total load of student for solving the course.
  • Credit points are acquired only by that student who would fulfill conditions for exam and would successfully complete the course program. Conditions which have to be fulfilled by the student for successful completing the course program are defined by the carriers of the course program.
  • The number of the credit points which have to be acquired by the student for getting some professional preparation is:
    – for one semester to 30 credit points
    – for one year to 60 credit points
  • Student in every semester enrolls courses with total of 30 credits.
  • Student could go to exam of some course program if the conditionality criteria regulated with the course are fulfilled.
  • Type, character and mode of realization of the final exams on appropriate course programs are integral part of the study programme.
  • Conditionality criteria, i.e. previously completed course programs as condition for enrolling next semester or higher year of study, are also integral part of the study programme.
  • Conditions and criteria determinated in the study programme are for allowing student’s orientation which courses have to be completed for enrolling next semester or higher year of study according the study curriculum.
  • Student, who enrolled one-semester courses in winter semester, could go on final exam in the January session, and if the exam result is not positive, next opportunities are the other two exam sessions (May/June and August/September). Student who enrolled one-semester courses in summer semester, could go on final exam in the June session, and if the exam result is not positive, next opportunities are exam sessions in August/September and January.
  • Student could enroll course programs from the next semester or higher year of study if the conditions and criteria determinated by the study programme are fulfilled.
  • At the end of each semester an anonym survey for every course separately is done.

More information for the process of evaluation of knowledge and grading system, the terms of the exam sessions, academic year and semestral teaching you can find here.