Authorizing laboratories to perform a high level of analysis and super-analysis of raw milk visit

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-Skopje submitted a request to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy for authorization of the Laboratory for performing analysis and super analysis of raw milk as a guarantee of its activities.

Upon the supervision by the МЗШВ Commission for fulfillment of the conditions referred to in Article 138 paragraph 2 of the Law on Quality of Agricultural Products (Official paper of the Republic of Macedonia No. 140/10, as amended), it was determined that the Faculty fulfills the conditions for obtaining the status of an authorized laboratory for the analysis and super-analysis of raw milk.

This solution enhances the responsibilities of the Crude Milk Quality Control Laboratory, whose staff will further address the daily challenges facing the Northern Macedonia Milk Sector.

At the same time, we are informing the public that a new automated instrument has been purchased to determine the chemical composition of raw milk (fats, proteins, lactose, dry matter, urea) and somatic cell counts (a key indicator of milk health in dairy animals). , as well as a device for counting the number of bacteria in the raw milk (a parameter that reflects the hygienic condition). All of these steps are aimed at modernizing and increasing the capacity of the Laboratory, and thus more efficient cooperation with all partners in the dairy sector. Due to all the above, the process of expanding and adapting the laboratory space has started. All of these activities are aimed at providing technical and expert support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, the Food and Veterinary Agency and the dairy producers in the country in order to strengthen the situation in milk production.

You can see the official document here.