Delegation from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Skopje, led by the Dean prof. dr. Lazo Pendovski, prof. dr. Velimir Stojkovski and prof. dr. Dean Jankuloski visited the Federal State Budgetary Education Institution for Higher Education in Moscow, where a cooperation agreement was signed between the „Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MBA KI. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russian Federation and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Skopje at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
The agreement envisages cooperation in the field of education through joint preparation of specialists, graduates, masters and doctoral candidates in the process of their education and research work, as well as the mobility of professors, associates and students in the field of veterinary medicine. The agreement envisages cooperation in the field of scientific research through the exchange of scientific publications and information, i.e. the development of common research programs and projects of common interest, and in that direction, the use of programs from the European Union.