The Student Parliament of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (SPFVM) in organization supported by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje (FVMS), has successfully realized the event “VETERINIJADA-2018” which was held by the period from 04.07 until 07.07 July 2018 in the Congress Centre of the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Ohrid, R.Macedonia.
On this event there were students from the Veterinary Faculties of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey along with their professors.
On “Veterinijada 2018” there were organized educational sessions with lectures that were presented by professors from our faculty:
- Ass. Slobodеn Čokrevski, MSc – “The OIE Day One Competence Standard and Veterinary Education”
- Ass. Prof. Branko Atanasov, PhD – “Estrus synchronization at animals-impact of animal production”
- Miroslav Radevski, DVM – “Who is my patient? The question of One Health!”
- Ass. Prof. Mirko Prodanov, PhD – “The impact of animal welfare on the quality of the meat”
After every lecture, the students worked in groups on the interactive educational workshops connected with the theme of the lecture with main goal of increasing their knowledge about the themes that were discussed.
Sports activities like football, basketball and volleyball were indivisible part of Veterinijada 2018, and at the end of every match, the very best team was rewarded with a trophy.
The event was embellished with tremendous number of social activities for the students and professors.
We, the students of the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (SPFVM), express our deep gratitude and respect to the management of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje and our professors for the enormous support.
Student activities will CONTINUE TO PROGRESS…!!!