Successful external audit (MKS EN ISO/IEC 17025) in the laboratories at the Faculty of veterinary medicine in Skopje

Team of four external auditors from Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia, on 25 and 26 May 2017 performed regular supervision of the third cycle of re-accreditation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the first time passed without any non-conformity of MKS EN ISO / IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.

This success is due to the human and technical resources of the laboratories for food safety analysis, laboratories for diagnostic infectious disease of animals and the center for animal welfare, all within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Laboratories in FVMS have modern equipment, managed by competent and qualified personnel, continually trained for performing test analysis. During the testing of the samples laboratory personnel work according to customer requirements, conscientiously and professionally, providing high quality in the accuracy and precision of test results. High quality of results are achieved by regular servicing, verification and calibration of equipment and excellent results of proficiency testing.

Therefore, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje, with its national reference laboratories, is a proved leader in the region in the affirmation of professionalism, competence and capability to fulfill the requirements of MKS EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Quality Manager,
Ass. Prof. Irena Celeska