The Faculty Student Assembly of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Skopje (FSA FVMS) is a body of the Faculty in which student representatives are members. Representatives in the college student body are elected by direct, fair and democratic elections by secret ballot. All students of the Faculty, who are enrolled in studies in the academic year in which the Faculty Student Assembly is elected, have the right to elect and be elected members of the Faculty Student Assembly. The term of office of the members and the president of the Faculty Student Assembly is one year, with the right to one re-election. The election of the members and the President of the Faculty Student Assembly is held each year in accordance with the Statute of the University Student Assembly.

In order to exercise the rights and protect the interests of the students, the Faculty Student Assembly elects and dismisses the student representatives in the faculty bodies, in accordance with the law, with the University Statute and the Statute of the Faculty. The work of the Faculty Student Assembly is financed by the funds of the faculty within which the Faculty Student Assembly operates. The Student Assembly is chaired by a president who is elected by direct and secret ballot. The President of the Faculty Student Assembly executes the decisions of the Faculty Student Assembly, represents the students and the Faculty Student Assembly and is responsible for its work.

Elections for members and president of the FSА FVMS are announced by the dean compulsory within 30 days prior to their holding. In the decision for announcing the elections, the Dean appoints an election commission consisting of students and teachers, that is, associates, who conducts the elections for members of the Faculty Student Assembly. The majority of the members of the electoral commission are students. The procedure for election and the number of FSА FVMS members, as well as the bodies of FSА FVMS and the manner of their election shall be governed by the FVMS Statute in accordance with the University Statute. FSA FVMS also acts on the basis of its own statute, which it adopts upon prior approval by the FVMS Teaching and Research Council.

FSA FVMS delegates its representatives to the Dean’s Office and the FVMS Teaching and Scientific Council, through which students participate in the work of the faculty bodies. Also, it elects a Deputy Student Ombudsman, and delegates his representatives to the University Student Assembly (USA UKIM), which in turn participates in the work of the University’s bodies and bodies.

Members of FSA FVMS in 2024/2025 are:


  • Matej Aleksandrovski

First year

  • Angela Petrovska
  • Ana Krstevska

Second year

  • Mario Timchevski
  • Martina Nikolova

Third year

  • Ilina Panova
  • Ana Aleksoska

Fourth year

  • Martina Kostadinova
  • Eleonora Dodevska

Fifth year

  • Bozidar Zivkovski
  • Damjan Peshovsk
  • Representatives of the FSA FVMS at the University Student Assembly are:
  • Bozidar Zivkovski
  • Damjan Peshovsk

Decision on the adoption of the Statute of the FSS-FVMS 18-536-2 (10.4.2020)

Statute of the FSS

Book of abstracts – First student conference for global climate changes 2020Ана А