ENOVA (European Network on Vaccine Adjuvants), COST Action CA16231

Head Researcher: Vaccine Formulation Institute (UK)

Participants from FVMS: Проф. д-р Славчо Мреношки, доц. д-р Искра Цветковиќ

Duration: 2017-2021

Funded by: COST through the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

Type of project: International


ENOVA press release

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje joins an European collaboration for developing vaccine adjuvants

Prof. Slavcho Mrenoshki and Prof. Iskra Cvetkovikj from the Facutly of Veterinary Medicine, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje have joined the European Network of Vaccine Adjuvants (ENOVA), which brings together European experts and stakeholders working in different areas of adjuvant and vaccine research and development, including both prophylactic and therapeutic applications as well as human and veterinary vaccines. ENOVA is funded by COST through the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and is coordinated by the Vaccine Formulation Institute. The goals of the network are to facilitate communication and the exchange of information on adjuvants and vaccine formulation among its members, to ensure that new discoveries are widely disseminated so that their potential can be of optimal benefit, to promote the best use of existing adjuvant technologies, and to encourage and support the development of novel adjuvants and vaccines. Currently organizations from 28 countries joined ENOVA.

Vaccines are one of the most successful tools for prevention and control of infectious diseases in humans and animals. Despite success in the control of multiple infectious diseases, there are still many infectious diseases for which no effective vaccine is available. Adjuvants are substances that, when mixed with vaccine antigens, enhance the immune responses to the antigen, and they are subsequently an essential feature of modern vaccine development. While traditional prophylactic vaccines prevent disease, therapeutic vaccines are a promising novel strategy to treat and cure cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases by stimulating the immune system to fight the disease. Adjuvants are an essential component in therapeutic vaccines in order to elicit an appropriate and effective immune response.

ENOVA will contribute to the strengthening of Europe’s position as the global leader in vaccinology, and will increase knowledge transfer across the currently fragmented fields within vaccine development, as well as providing a repository of information for the European public about vaccines and vaccination. The network will organize adjuvant workshops and training schools, and will support scientific exchange visits amongst its members. The first call for scientific exchange applications is open now and will close on 17 June 2018.

Please visit the project website for further information: www.enova-adjuvant.eu


ENOVA runs from 13 November 2017 to 12 November 2021.

ENOVA chair/ vice chair: Maria Lawrenz, Vaccine Formulation Institute / Dennis Christensen, Statens Serum Institute

ENOVA participating countries: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, fYR Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Tunesia.

About COST

ENOVA is a COST Action. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks and helps connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

For further information, please visit the COST website: www.cost.eu