Department of animal science

1) Description of the course: Animal Science

Animal science is a study that deals with the origin, the biological and physiological characteristics and the technologies of raising the main farm animal species such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and horses, as well as the basic principles and methodologies for their improvement.

2) Place in the veterinary education:

Animal science is a preclinical course.

3) Aim and scope of the course:

The main intention of the course is to make the students familiar with the most important biological, morphological and productive characteristics of the main species and breeds of farm animals important for the stockbreeding industry in our country. The lectures taught at this course are also intended to enable the students to gain knowledge about the main principals and measures for more successful raising of different types of farm animals which in turn will be able to implement in their future work as veterinary doctors in the stockbreeding industry.

4) Course organization:

The course is taught in the III and IV semester with total of 120 classes of which 60 are theoretical lectures and 60 are practical training.

5) Course methodology:

The theoretical lectures are taught to a large group of students with their involvment through discussions and seminar assignments which after completition are presented and discused with the rest of the classmates.

The practical training is conducted with smaller groups of students, in a classroom through engagement in project assignments, but also in practical conditions on farm facilities with purpose to better understand the housing, raising and exploatation technologies for the main farm animal species.