Department of Pathophysiology

Definition of subject: Pathophysiology

Pathophysiology is discipline dealing with functions disorders of the organs and organ systems.

Subject in veterinary education

Pathophysiology is the basic subject.

Purpose of subject

The pathophysiology is related to the acquired knowledge of preclinical scientific disciplines: chemistry, biophysics, cell biology, biochemistry, anatomy, histology, embryology, nutrition, physiology, microbiology and immunology, and parallel with the study of teaching disciplines of pathology, pharmacology and toxicology and parasitology. The main purpose of pathophysiology are mechanisms and ways of occurrence of pathological processes (pathogenesis), from the level of molecule, cell, tissue and organ, the organic system, to the level of organism as a whole. Thought pathophysiology, students are introduced in the clinical subjects.

Practical work are clinical laboratory methods and interpretation of derived results: Hematology, coagulopathy, biochemical changes, metabolic profiles, changes in the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and respiratory system, clinical enzimatology, urinalysis, hormone tests, tumor immunology, blood typing groups, clinical cytology.

Perform teaching

Education is included in V and VI semester, with overall 120 hours, 60 hours theory and 60 hours practical work for students.

Methodology of the subject

Theory: Interactive (lectures in a large group, discussion and engagement of students)
Practical teaching: clinical laboratory methods for hematology, biochemistry, urinalysis and cytology.
Seminar work: preparation of seminar work presentation and discussion.