Учебник по Општа хирургија
Code: FVM 413
Study year: Fourth (VI)
Semester: VII (VII)
Total hours: 90 (45 +45)
Type of subject: Obligatory subject
Author: prof. d-r. Plamen Trojacanec
Perform: prof. d-r. Plamen Trojacanec, ass.m-r. Ksenija Ilievska
A place that subject occupies in veterinary education: This subject should encourage the students for utilization of previously acquired knowledge of anatomy, pathology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, for diagnosis of surgical diseases, handling with surgical patients and to provide suitable anesthesia and intensive care of critical patients.
Aim of the subject: To enable the student for independent work in daily animal practices. Thereby, student performs examination of the animals, establishes diagnosis and can perform conservative and operative treatment of surgical and orthopedic diseases. Special attention is given to the practical side of the anesthesiology and intensive care.
Connections of the subject with previous and future education: The subject is closely related with all the preclinical subjects, especially anatomy, pathomorphology and microbiology and represents a requirement for dealing with clinical patients.
Required: P Trojacanec., Handbook of general surgery, 2005, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Skopje Trojacanec Q., Fundamentals of Veterinary Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Skopje;
Recommended: Slatter Douglas, Textbook of small animal surgery 2nd edtition, 2002 Sounders; Fossum Theresa W., Small animal surgery 2nd ed., 2002 Mocby; Thurmon JC, Tranquilli WJ, Benson GJLumb & Jones Veterinary Anesthesia 3rd edition. 1996, Williams &Wilkins; Perimatei D., Flo G., DeCamp C. Small animal orthopedics and fracture repair 2006 Saunders; Harari J. Small animal surgery in 1996 Williams & Wilkins; Swaim S., Henderson R. Small animal wound management 1990 Williams & Wilkins; Vasić J., Osnovi veterinarske hirurgije 1996, Budić Z., Cvetković Z., Petković B. Anestezija malih životinja 1997 Prosveta; Veterinarski fakultet Beograd; Vjekoslav Srebočan, Hrvoje Gomerčić Veterinarski priručnik, četvrto dopunjeno izdanje, Zagreb
Code: FVM416
Study year: Fourth and fifth (IV and V)
Semester: Eight-nine (VIII and IX)
Total hours: 150 (90 +60) VIII Semester 2 +4 (30 +60) IX Semester 2 +2 (30 +30)
Type of subject: prof. d-r. Plamen Trojacanec
Perform: prof. d-r. Plamen Trojacanec, ass. m-r Ksenija Ilievska
A place that subject occupies in veterinary education: The subject should provide implementation of previously acquired knowledge of diagnostic and treatment of surgical and orthopedic diseases in farmed and companion animals and horses.
Aim of the subject: To enables the student for independent examination, diagnosis and performing the most common surgical interventions in farmed and companion animals, and horses. Thereby, the student will be trained to perform surgical examination of the patients based on anamnesis, clinical findings and laboratory tests to establish the diagnose, to perform conservative and operative treatment of surgical and orthopedic problems in farmed and companion animals and horses, and to carry out an adequate postoperative care and prognosis for the final outcome. This training should develop both, humane and responsible behavior skills of student with the patients during manipulation and taming, a proper relation and communication with the owners and colleagues.
Connections of the subject with previous and future education: The subject is closely related with all the preclinical subjects, especially anatomy, pathomorphology and microbiology and represents a requirement for dealing with clinical patients.
Required: P Trojacanec., Handbook of general surgery, 2005, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Skopje Trojacanec Q., Fundamentals of Veterinary Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Skopje;
Recommended: Slatter Douglas, Textbook of small animal surgery 2nd edtition, 2002 Sounders; Fossum Theresa W., Small animal surgery 2nd ed., 2002 Mocby; Thurmon JC, Tranquilli WJ, Benson GJLumb & Jones Veterinary Anesthesia 3rd edition. 1996, Williams &Wilkins; Perimatei D., Flo G., DeCamp C. Small animal orthopedics and fracture repair 2006 Saunders; Harari J. Small animal surgery in 1996 Williams & Wilkins; Swaim S., Henderson R. Small animal wound management 1990 Williams & Wilkins; Vasić J., Osnovi veterinarske hirurgije 1996, Budić Z., Cvetković Z., Petković B. Anestezija malih životinja 1997 Prosveta; Veterinarski fakultet Beograd; Vjekoslav Srebočan, Hrvoje Gomerčić Veterinarski priručnik, četvrto dopunjeno izdanje, Zagreb