Center for animal welfare is has following obligation, according nomination by the Food and Veterinary Agency:
- obtaining professional-administrative training for the incharged authorities and relevant sectors concerning their competence about animal welfare
- preparing programme for continuous education
- issuing appropriate sertificates
- realization of exam for animal welfare for Food and Veterinary Agency.
Center for animal welfare obtains appropriate training concerning animal welfare for:
- persons involved in care of farm animals, for confirmation that such persons have gained training for fulfilling the regulations from the Rules for conditions and protection manners of farm animals; appropriate theoretical and practical knowledge for person involved in monitoring for recognition if the animals are in good health condition or not, recognising significant behaviour changes, evaluation of appropriance of the environment for the animal’s health and welfare;
- staff involved in animal transport, placing in slaughtery depot, fixation, stunning, slaughtering or killing, for confirmation that such persons have gained knowledge and skills for human and efficient solving working duties and manner of monitoring;
- training for the staff involved in transport, loading and unloading of animals for solving their duties without use of force, or any other method which could provoke unnecesary fear, pain, suffering or injury of animal and manner of monitoring;
- persons who realize by themselves or are involved in realization of experiments, persons who are maintaing the animals used in experiments, as well as persons involved in monitoring;
- persons involved in shelters for homeless animals, for the manner and procedures of euthanasy regulated with the Rules, as well as for manner of monitoring.