This laboratory as a part of Veterinary Institute performed several tests which are primarily intended for annual order for animal health. Besides the diagnosis of American plague, this laboratory can perform other examination for bee’s disease from different etiology such as Nozemoza, Varooza, Akaroza, May disease, European plague of bees etc. Also, in the frame of department we have beehives, for many experiments and testing for different drugs against diseases.
A part of fisheries is intended for diagnosis fish diseases from different etiology. Priority has a infectious diseases which are included in annual order for animal health, such as Spring viraemia in carp, viral hemorrhagic septicemia in trout, Infectious haemopoiesis necrosis in trout, Infectious pancreatic necrosis in trout and Bacterial nephritis in trout. The laboratory can perform the other testing for bacterial diseases, parasitic diseases and helmintozoonozis. For the service of aquaculture in our country we make contractual relationships and visits individual fish farm for examining some parameters such as water oxygen, carbohydrate dioxide, ammonia etc. Application work is a priority of this laboratory.
Hunting is important part of the economy, and this laboratory in the future will be a service for all concessionaires of hunting areas. Testing of diseases of wild game is carry out in this laboratory (trichinela, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, fascioloza, rabies, tularaemia, brucellosis, toxoplasmosis, Avian flu, etc.). Application work will be service of hunting with professional expertise, visits, opinions, reports.