Why Join Our Summer School
Learning about animal welfare, veterinary ethics, law and communication skills in an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment.
VetNEST Summer School 2021 (ONLINE EVENT)
Hopefully, we would be able to return to our normal and regular practice of organizing the summer school in person from next year.
Stay safe and follow us on our here on our Website and Facebook profile (https://www.facebook.com/vetnest.summerschool) and lookout for further information.
Who is it for?
The overall aim of this interdisciplinary summer school is to train students in animal welfare, veterinary ethics, law and communication skills to better identify, structure, deal and communicate the challenges of their future work life. By means of a highly interdisciplinary teaching approach, the summer school aims to contribute to the VetNEST members’ curricula as an elective course and allow veterinary students to gain knowledge on various topics and methodologies within a total of 15 hours of lecturing/questions answer sections + 10 hours preparatory work for each student (1 ECTS credits).

The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest is the only veterinary school in Hungary. It is accredited to issue the diplomas of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.), Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology and the postgraduate degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in veterinary sciences. The University has a fundamental role in teaching the course of Master of Science (MSc) in biology, too. The University has an uninterrupted teaching record for more than two centuries, making it thus one of the oldest veterinary schools in the world.
our team

Prof. dr.Herwig Grimm
Veterinary Ethics/Communication
Herwig Grimm studied philosophy at the Universities of Salzburg, Zurich and Munich, main emphasis on ethics and applied ethics. In 2004 he earned his Master’s degree in Salzburg with a thesis on “Moral Standing of Animals? – Approaching the subject with discourse ethics”. From 2004 to 2011 he was a scientific assistant at the interdisciplinary Institute for Technology, Theology and Natural sciences in Munich. He took his doctoral degree at the Munich School of Philosophy…

Prof. dr. Vlatko Ilieski
Animal Welfare/Law
Prof. Dr. Vlatko Ilieski graduated from the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb, Croatia, received his PhD at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine specialist at the European college for Animal welfare, Ethics and Law. As university professor he is lecturer for undergraduate and postgraduate studies with big international experiences. He has international teaching experiences as visiting professor at University of Ljubljana, Zagreb teaching animal welfare…

Prof. dr.Kresimir Severin
Veterinary Law
Associate Professor Krešimir Severin, DVM, PhD (Zagreb, 1976), after taking his degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, worked from 2003 as a research fellow at the Department for Game Biology, Pathology and Breeding. From 2009 – 2011 he was employed at the Department of Forensic and State Veterinary Medicine as a teaching assistant, and from 2011-2013 as assistant professor…

Dr. Christian Dürnberger
Veterinary Ethics, Philosophy of Man-Nature-Relationship
Christian Dürnberger studied philosophy and communication sciences at the University of Vienna. His diploma thesis was an interpretation of the concept “axis time” from the perspective of a philosophy of communication.After the completion of his studies, he moved to Munich, where he dealt with question of applied ethics concerning agriculture and the relationship of man and nature at different institutions.He graduated at the Munich School of Philosophy (Hochschule für Philosophie München)…

Dr. Svenja Springer
Veterinary Ethics
Svenja Springer graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Vetmeduni Vienna in 2014, focusing on laboratory animal science. During her studies, she gained experience in veterinary medical ethics and has been a scholar and doctoral candidate at the Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies at the Messerli Research Institute in Vienna since September 2014. She became acquainted with this interdisciplinary field when working on her diploma thesis, investigating questions concerning veterinarians as well as the ethical perspective of issues regarding euthanasia in small animal practice.

Assoc. prof.
Miroslav Kjosevski
Animal Welfare/Law
He started his PhD studies at the Faculty for veterinary medicine, Skopje – Animal Welfare and Animal Hygiene. He wrote many papers on animal welfare and is participating in many projects (finished and ongoing). He is now Deputy Head of the Center for Animal Welfare at the Faculty for Veterinary Medicine
Head of Reception desk and Laboratory Information System at the Veterinary Institute
Center for Animal Welfare at the Faculty for Veterinary Medicine…

Assist. Prof.
Viktor Denkovski
Information Systems and Management
With the cooperation of his colleagues veterinarians from FVMS, he finished his master’s thesis with a computer network simulation entitled “Application and evaluation of routing protocols in wireless sensory networks” applied to the application for monitoring the state of the animals (cattle) on the farm. Since December 2022, he has been a full-time teacher employed at the School of Computer Science and Technology at UACS and in May 2023 finished his Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems and Management at the School of Business Economics and Management at UACS.
Guest Lecturers

Szilvia Vetter
Animal Protection, LawAnimal abuse and legal aspects: Criminal and criminological aspects of animal welfare.
Szilvia Vetter is the head of the Center for Animal Welfare of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest as a research fellow, developer and lecturer of a new mandatory multidisciplinary course for veterinary students in their fourth year called “Comparative Animal Protection”. She is a voting member of the National Animal Protection Council representing the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest…

Hedvig Koska
Animal Protection PedagogyCriminology and sustainable animal protection.
Hedvig Dóra Koska DVM is an economist and veterinarian, currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Criminology and a PhD focused on sustainable animal protection. She serves as a professional leader at the Ministry of Justice within the Government Commissioner’s Secretariat for the Development and Implementation of the Animal Protection Action Plan and works as a faculty veterinarian at the University of Veterinary Medicine…

Viktor Jurkovich
Animal Welfare
Dr. Viktor Jurkovich was born in Orosháza, and after his high school studies, he was admitted to the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest in 1993. He graduated in 1998, and immediately after receiving his diploma, from 1 January 1999, he became a member of the University’s Department of Animal Hygiene, Livestock Hygiene and Veterinary Ethology, first as a PhD student and later as a departmental staff member. He obtained his PhD degree in 2007, habilitated in 2014,…

Anna Szilasi
Animal Protection, Law
I received my veterinary degree in 2014 from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the then Szent István University. That year I started working as a departmental veterinarian at the Department of Pathology. After that, under the supervision of Dr. Gyula Balka, I worked as a PhD student from September 2015, then as a departmental veterinarian from 2018, then as an assistant professor, and from 2022 as an assistant professor at the Department of Pathology of the University of Veterinary Medicine,…

Mira Mandoki
Animal WelfareAnimal abuse and legal aspects: Pathological aspects of animal abuse
Mira Mandoki is professor and head of the Department of Pathology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Hungary, but she is also involved in educational research at the university. Few years ago she formed an e-learning research group at the University. On her initiation teacher training courses are also introduced. She organized the trainings on important issues, such as presentation techniques, assessment and feedback, gamification in teaching, non-violent and intercultural communication,…

Prof. dr. sc.
Danijel Labaš
Department of Communication
Studied philosophy and theology in Zagreb and Rome (Pontificia Università Gregoriana), received a doctorate in communication sciences in 1996 at the Università Pontificia Salesiana in Rome. He trained professionally at Radiotelevisione Italiana in Rome, Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne and at CJMR Radio in Toronto (Oakville). Permanently employed at Croatian Studies from 2007 until the academic year 2016/2017. held various positions, and since the academic year 2019/2020 He is the head of the Department of Communication….

Prof. Ing.
Eva Voslarova
Animal Protection and WelfareAnimal Welfare Assessment
Prof. Ing. Eva Voslarova, Ph.D. graduated from the Mendel University Brno (Ing.) in 2001. She achieved Ph.D. degree in Veterinary Public Health and Animal Protection (2004), habilitation (Doc.) in Animal Protection and Welfare (2008) and full professorship (Prof.) in Animal Protection and Welfare (2019) at the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno. As university professor and the Head of Animal Protection and Welfare Unit at the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno, she is responsible for…

Assoc. prof.
Mario Ostović
Animal Hygiene, Behaviour and Welfare
Mario Ostović is Associate Professor at Department of Animal Hygiene, Behaviour and Welfare, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. At the same Department, he graduated in 2005 and earned PhD degree in 2012. He is subject head and lecturer in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and head of the postgraduate master study Farm Animal Welfare at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. In the 2011-2014 period, Assoc. Prof. Mario Ostović was engaged as associate on the international FP7 project…

Practice makes perfect
We know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way you truly understand a subject is by practicing it in a real environment. This is why we’ve set a playground area that’s full of hours of exercises, questions and challenges. It even has a gaming section.
Striving for improvement
The Summer school includes class and practical work, group activities and farm visit with a focus on animal welfare, ethics, law and communication skills.

Learn from the very best
Join our summer school and start building the veterinary career. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s veterinary medicine.
Events Hours
Monday, Wednesday: 9:00-17:00 Hrs *
Tuesday: 9:00-16:30 Hrs *
Thursday: 9:00-17:30 Hrs *
Friday: 9:00-14:00 Hrs *
* exact event hours after the release of the program schedule
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Office for International Relations, 1077 Budapest
Rottenbiller str. 50, 1st Floor office nr. 30
Any questions concerning the VetNEST Summer School 2025?
Please contact International Relations office at UVMB at :