VetNEST Summer School 2023
26 students received a CEEPUS scholarship
Strong financial and administrative support

- Albania
- Austria
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Italy
- North Macedonia
- Poland
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Sri Lanka
- Switzerland
A Closer Look from the Events
VetNEST Summer School 2023
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Classes and Workshop

Practice makes perfect
Trip to the Farm
Hands on experience
VetNEST in livestock practicum
The participants of the Summer School VetNEST (Summer School Animal Welfare, Veterinary Ethics and Law and Communication Skills) were in the livestock practicum of the Polytechnic in Križevci on 13/07/2023. The VetNEST summer school includes classes and practical work, group activities and visits to farms with a focus on animal welfare, veterinary ethics and law, as well as communication skills, and this year it was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb. In our animal husbandry practicum, the participants completed the practical part of the lesson, which was related to the assessment of the well-being of sheep.

26 veterinary students from 9 countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia) participated in the Summer School, they came accompanied by the teacher, associate professor Ph.D. Mario Ostović from the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb and associate professor Ph.D. Miroslav Kjosevski from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. Our teachers, Ph.D., spent the day with them in a positive working atmosphere. Damir Alagić, Goran Mikec, mag. ing. agr., and Ph.D. Tatjana Jelen.
Fun Activities

How to apply?
Requirements for application document:
- background information about the student
- name
- university
- semester
- any specific specialization/interests before and/or during study
- statement of interest/motivation to participate at the VetNEST summer school 2023
- expectations on the VetNEST summer school 2023 and its specific topics on animal welfare, ethics, law and communication skills

Our Schedule
Take a look at our time table with all the scheduled lectures and topics.
The Perfect Location
The Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb is a public institution of higher education, that organizes and conducts university study courses and performs scientific and highly professional work in the realm of biomedicine and health, in the field of veterinary medicine, and other related fields, as well as educational life-long learning programmes for doctors of veterinary medicine. It was founded one hundred years ago, as one of the oldest faculties in the Republic of Croatia, and by its long tradition and established criteria of excellence, is inseparable from the development of the veterinary profession in the territory of Croatia.