VetNEST Summer School 2024
- 12 Countries
- 28 Students received a CEEPUS scholarship
Strong financial and administrative support

Bosnia Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
A Closer Look from the Events
VetNEST Summer School 2024
VetNEST (Veterinary Network of European Student and Staff Transfer) is an association of veterinary universities from nine countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
This summer we host our 5th VetNEST Summer School “Animal Welfare, Veterinary Ethics, and Law and Communication Skills” from July 7th to 12th, 2024 on the Vetmeduni campus in Vienna.
Stay safe and follow us on our here on our Website and Facebook profile ( and look out for further information.
Classes and Workshop
During the teaching units, the focus is on dialogue between students with different cultural backgrounds in order to promote reflective, critical and interdisciplinary thinking. The summer school is intended to help them better recognize, manage and communicate potential challenges in their future working lives.

Practice makes perfect
Trip to the Farm
Hands on experience
VetNEST in livestock practicum
The focus of the interdisciplinary VetNEST Summer School is on the areas of animal welfare, veterinary ethics, law and communication. In addition to theory on the various subject areas, the one-week program also includes practical units on the VetFarm, a teaching and research farm of the Vetmeduni am Kremesberg, as well as group work and discussions. Animal welfare parameters in cattle are evaluated and discussed on site in order to meet the increasingly important demands of animal welfare in agriculture as a veterinarian.

VetNEST (Veterinary Network of European Student and Staff Transfer) was founded in 1993 and is an association of veterinary universities from nine countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
Note: The VetNEST Summer School is an elective subject with 3 ECTS credits that can be counted towards the students’ curriculum. The costs of the Summer School teaching and meals are covered by a CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) scholarship.
Fun Activities

How to apply?
Requirements for application document:
- background information about the student
- name
- university
- semester
- any specific specialization/interests before and/or during study
- statement of interest/motivation to participate at the VetNEST summer school 2024
- expectations on the VetNEST summer school 2024 and its specific topics on animal welfare, ethics, law and communication skills

Our Schedule
Take a look at our time table with all the scheduled lectures and topics.
The Perfect Location
From July 7 to 12, 2024, the VetNEST Summer School “Animal Welfare, Veterinary Ethics, and Law and Communication Skills” will take place on the Vetmeduni campus and will offer international students numerous lectures and practical teaching units.