Born in 1965
Studied philosophy and theology in Zagreb and Rome (Pontificia Università Gregoriana), received a doctorate in communication sciences in 1996 at the Università Pontificia Salesiana in Rome. He trained professionally at Radiotelevisione Italiana in Rome, Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne and at CJMR Radio in Toronto (Oakville). Permanently employed at Croatian Studies from 2007 until the academic year 2016/2017. held various positions, and since the academic year 2019/2020 He is the head of the Department of Communication. He teaches the following courses: Media pedagogy, Media in teaching, Basics of communication studies, Journalistic ethics, Semiotics in mass communication, Film and religion, History and theory of film, Great directors of European cinematography, Media and children, Media and violence, Political communication, Sociological aspects of mass media communications, Media and bioethics, Introduction to Global Communication, Risk management and crisis communication, Business communication, Medienkommunikation und Öffentlichtkeitarbeit and others.
He participated in numerous scientific meetings in Croatia and abroad, and published and edited several books and collections, scientific and professional articles in foreign and Croatian scientific journals and publications, and regularly participates in and/or leads domestic and international projects in the field of media literacy. He is the president of the Society for Communication and Media Culture.