Christian Dürnberger studied philosophy and communication sciences at the University of Vienna. His diploma thesis was an interpretation of the concept “axis time” from the perspective of a philosophy of communication.
After the completion of his studies, he moved to Munich, where he dealt with question of applied ethics concerning agriculture and the relationship of man and nature at different institutions.
He graduated at the Munich School of Philosophy (Hochschule für Philosophie München). His doctoral thesis was on „Contradiction Nature. Concepts of man-nature-relationship in the controversy on green genetic engineering. Contribution of a descriptive-hermeneutical ethics in order to clarify a social dispute.” (Original German title: “Widerspruch Natur. Vorstellungen der Mensch-Natur-Beziehung in der Kontroverse um die Grüne Gentechnik. Beitrag einer deskriptiv-hermeneutischen Ethik zur Klärung einer gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung.“)
Since 2008 to the present day, he is a scientific staff member at the Institute TTN at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU); from 2010 until 2013 he focused on ethical questions in regard to green biotechnology at the University of Philosophy (Hochschule für Philosophie); from March 2014 to March 2015 he was research fellow at the department of Prof. Christian Albrecht (LMU) with focus on Environmental ethics.
Since March 2015 he is a scientific staff member at the Messerli Research Institute, focusing on Veterinary Ethics.