Dr. Anna Szilasi
I received my veterinary degree in 2014 from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the then Szent István University. That year I started working as a departmental veterinarian at the Department of Pathology. After that, under the supervision of Dr. Gyula Balka, I worked as a PhD student from September 2015, then as a departmental veterinarian from 2018, then as an assistant professor, and from 2022 as an assistant professor at the Department of Pathology of the University of Veterinary Medicine, where I have been actively involved in diagnostic work, education, and research since the beginning. In addition to pathology, I have also gained clinical experience since 2014: first, I participated in outpatient and intensive care for 2 years at the Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine of the University of Veterinary Medicine, then from 2016 I provided outpatient care for exotic animals at the Budatétény Veterinary Hospital until 2018. Currently, I give pathology, plenary and histopathology exercises, as well as lectures to third- and fourth-year students in Hungarian and English. My tasks include performing and evaluating the pathology part of animal experiments at the department , as well as performing administrative activities related to education (website, Moodle, student relations).
Main research areas:
- Development of diagnostic procedures for the presence of feline retroviruses (FIV, FeLV), with a strong emphasis on molecular biological and in situ hybridization testing methods
- Pathological examination of feline infectious diseases, with special attention to histopathological and molecular biological procedures
- Detection of viral diseases in cats on Hungarian samples, prevalence studies (leukemia virus, immunodeficiency virus, hepadnavirus, morbillivirus, alpha and gamma herpesvirus)
- Pathological and molecular biological investigation of COVID-19 disease in domestic and wild felines