Survey for Animals Your Institution (required) 1. Gender: MaleFemale 2. Environment grown up in: RuralUrban 3. Have you owned or kept farm animals? YesNo 4. Have you owned or kept pet animals? YesNo 5. What are animals to you? A companionA living beingA passionA somewhat to care ofA source of incomeA subject of studyOther (please specify): 6. What is your favorite animal? BuffaloCatCowDogDonkeyGoatHorsePigRabbitSheepBirdsFishesInsectsReptilesOther (please specify): 7. What scientific field is most important for understanding animal welfare? Animal behavior towards humansAnimal bioethicsHuman-animal comparative evolutionHuman-animal relationshipLivestock production developmentI don’t know 8. In your experience, animal behavior is based on a process of: CognitionConditioned reflexInstinct/LearningStimulus/ReactionUnconditioned reflex 9. Among the following parameters, which one do you think is the most relevant for animal welfare? Adequate nutritionGood healthExpression of species-specific behaviorLack of stressSuitable environmentI don’t know 10. Do you think that animal emotions have any effects on their welfare? ExtremelyVery muchSlightlyNot at all 11. While interacting with animals, do you think that human emotions have some effects on their behavior? ExtremelyVery muchSlightlyNot at all 12. Observing animals, do you feel that their emotions are the same of humans? Yes, I doNo, I don'tI don't know 13. Among the following activities involving human-animal interaction, which one do you think is the best for animal welfare? BreedingEducationGroomingHealth carePhysical exercisesPlayingProblem solvingShowSocializationSportTraining 14. Do you think that animal intelligence is caused by a process of: CognitionConditioningEducationExperienceImitationInstinctIntuitionLearningMemoryObservationTraining 15. How would you rank the following of species regarding their ability to experience pain and suffering? DogCatCattleChickenFishPrimatesGoatsPigs 16. Can you graduate importance’s for sustainability of farming systems? (lowest 1 / highest 5) Good farm animal welfareFood safety and qualityBiological functionsNatural livingEmotional states