Svenja Springer graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Vetmeduni Vienna in 2014, focusing on laboratory animal science. During her studies, she gained experience in veterinary medical ethics and has been a scholar and doctoral candidate at the Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies at the Messerli Research Institute in Vienna since September 2014. She became acquainted with this interdisciplinary field when working on her diploma thesis, investigating questions concerning veterinarians as well as the ethical perspective of issues regarding euthanasia in small animal practice. Her doctoral thesis dealt with Moral Challenges of Euthanasia in Small Animal Practice and aimed at an empirically informed analysis in the research field of veterinary medical ethics.
Since July 2017, Springer is working on her research project The Internal Morality of the Veterinary Profession: An Empirically Informed Ethical Analysis of Modern Small Animal Medicine. This three-years project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, P 29974-G24) and will constitute her object of research for her double PhD degree at the University of Copenhagen in cooperation with the Vetmeduni Vienna.