Department parasitology and parasitic diseases

Definition of subject: Parasitology and parasitic diseases

Veterinary Parasitology is scientific for parasites in domestic and wild animals, their interaction, taxonomic subordination, morphology, developmental cycle and environmental conditions and animals in which they survive. It also includes parasitic zoonoses, transmitted from animals to humans and parasitic antropozoonosis, transmitted from humans to animals. The genesis and development of parasitic disease are also covered, as well as their diagnosis, prevention and therapy.

Subject in veterinary education

Parasitology is a basic subject, while parasitology diseases are a part of clinical cases.

Aim of subject

The main purpose of the subject is identification of various types of parasites (Helmintes, Arthropods and Protozoa), their taxonomic affiliations and morphological characteristics of parasite biology, developmental forms and their survival in environmental conditions. Students should gain knowledge for way of analysis and impact of parasites in the host, which means the development and pathogenesis of disease, as well as the importance of parasitic diseases in public health. Finally, students will gain practical experience in diagnostic of parasitic diseases, therapy and application of recommended control and preventive measures, respectively.

Perform teaching

Education is included in V and VI semester, with overall 135 hours, 60 hours theory and 75 hours practical work for students.

Methodology of the subject

Theory: with topical lectures and students discussion with previous knowledge of related disciplines, preparing thematic whole actively contributing to the interactive teaching.

Practical teaching: is performed in the Laboratory of Parasitology and parasitic diseases in small groups where students independently perform microscopic and macroscopic identification of parasites and their developmental forms, they learn the methods and diagnostic parasite diseases.

Seminar work: self-preparation of seminar work, presentation and discussion, about certain topic.